Data Networks Knows E-Rate!

We’re committed to helping make telecommunications and information services more affordable for schools and libraries, transforming them into modern, connected learning environments.

Under the direction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), the E-Rate program provides discounts ranging from 10% to 90% to qualifying schools and libraries on telecommunications services. This federal funding is critical in helping schools and libraries stay current with changing technologies, future-proof their network infrastructure, and prepare their students and patrons for 21st century learning.

Data Networks is an active service provider in the Federal E-Rate program, (SPIN number: 143005976) and we’re here to support customers who participate in the Schools and Libraries Funding Mechanism. Equipped with a strong understanding of the rules of the program and eligible products, we can help you navigate the program to bolster your network infrastructures and to prepare for the needs of tomorrow through careful planning and the strategic use of the program’s funding.

Navigating the E-Rate Process

Our customers know that it’s invaluable to align with a partner that understands the E-Rate process and has experience navigating the system. But if you’re going about the process alone, here is a helpful flowchart outlining the program from start to finish:

e-rate program process


2025 Funding Application Timeline

Here are key dates to keep in mind for 2025:

2025 E-Rate Funding Timeline

Additional E-Rate Resources

Explore the USAC website.

View the program’s Eligible Services List on the USAC website.

Download our E-Rate Whitepaper.